Saturday, March 13, 2010

He said it was a hole in the ground. I've never seen a bomb shelter before, but a hole in the ground was too bland for my mind's eye. In my head I pictured an underground building fortified with steel walls and long corridors that stretched into the dark beyond. The shelter would have multiple rooms with vaulted doors and graffiti canvased walls. The shelter would would have rusty hinges and every sound would reverberate for heartbeats into the future.

..and then I found myself looking at a hole in the ground and forgot about what a bomb shelter should look like. It was 2am and this hole was more frightening to me than the elaborate bomb shelter blue-print I had constructed in my mind.

In the dark on a hill overlooking the city lights of Orem I stood with my friends and stared into the hole with the old, vertical re-bar ladder leading into the shadowed cavern below. A conversation similar to this ensued:

"Well, get down there, Nick. You're the one who's supposedly not scared of anything."

"My back is completely exposed to any hobo that wants to jump out of nowhere and shank me to death while I climb down the ladder, Dill Hole."

"You're the Dill Hole, Dill Hole. You said you would go first on the way here."

"That was before I knew it was the perfect setting for a hobo stabbing scenario!"

"I told you it was a hole in the ground, dude."

"Yes, you definitely said that. But, you neglected to mention that I would be turning my back on a hoard of blood thirsty hobos for the fifteen foot descent into the shelter!"

"We could have a gun, Bro. They don't know that we don't have a gun. Hobos aren't stupid. They survive by assuming every punk on the street is packing heat."

"There's fifteen hobos crouching below us right now that just heard you say we don't have a gun, genius. You're going first now."

"I didn't say we don't have a gun. WE HAVE A GUN, YOU FILTHY HOBOS!"

"Now you've got them all riled up, Brian. I'm definitely not going down there now."

"What the Hell, dude!? Just grab my legs so I can lower my head below the lip and look around."


...Brian was stabbed 13 times in the face that night. He died instantly...3 days later.

Or at least I wish that's what happened. The truth makes a far less entertaining ending.

We all pussed out and went on a different adventure that I will tell you NEXT TIIIIIIME!!!

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